
Gillard win sends 'clear message'

Ballarat federal Labor MP Catherine King states it is time for the Cheap Jeremy Lin's No.17 Jersey get together to move on, immediately after yesterday's management ballot.
She voted for Primary Minister Julia Gillard, who defeated Kevin Rudd 71 votes to 31 in the spill.
Ms King says she is assured about the party's chances at next year's election with Ms Gillard at the helm.
She states most Labor MPs want to get back to function in their electorates.
Caucus overwhelmingly supports Prime Minister AC Milan Jersey Julia Gillard and has carried out for some Arsenal jerseys time, so I assume if anything at soccer jersey cheap all the vote has surely provided that a distinct concept,  she explained.
I assume it truly is really crucial right now as all of us or a lot of of us ended up declaring last week that we now need to have to get back to the job. 
Ms King says there is a lot of opportunity for the celebration to obtain recognition among now and the election.
We've acquired 18 months and I am really assured that with the progressive insurance policies that Labor delivers and the operate that we have carried out, increasing the pension, first compensated parental go away scheme, the work that we have carried out investing a lot more cash in health and a lot more cash in education, that these factors will hold us in excellent stead,  she stated.report=2012-03-01data

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